It is estimated that most people use only 10 percent of their brain capacity," said Professor Norman, interpreted by actor Morgan Freeman, in the new film trajlerin "Lucy". "Imagine if you could use 100 percent of his. Interesting things would start to happen, "he says.
In the movie, which will appear next Friday in the U.S. and August 22 in the UK, Lucy (which is interpreted by Scarlett Johansson) is forced to work as a drug dealer for Taiwanese gang. But who inject drugs in her body "out of the system", allowing the use of "100% of the brain".
Consequently, among many things, Lucy finds herself suddenly moving objects with his mind, without feeling pain, and even gains the ability to remember the tremendous amount of information.
In a way, the myth that we only use 10% of our brain is truly inspiring. This, as can motivate us to try harder to access the reservoir of creativity and our potential.
Furthermore, there are products on the market that promise to "disconnect" the other 90%.
In fact, half of the teachers of natural sciences and two thirds of the public still think that this myth is true.
What is the origin of this keqkonceptimi? We can find the roots of early psychologist William James faith (William James), who wrote in his book "The energies of the people" (1907) that "we only use a small portion of our available resources mental and physical. "